Sun Safety Tips

Sun Safety Tips

Avoid the RAYS. The UV rays are the strongest between, 10am and 4pm. So, that’s when you must limit exposure to the sun The best way to avoid the sun rays, is to take care of your skin by seeking shade. SPF 30 or higher. Broad-spectrum sunscreen...
Lips need loving too!

Lips need loving too!

KEY CONSIDERATIONS SPF rating The SPF rating on lip sunscreens tells you how well the product blocks UV rays: SPF 15 blocks up to 93% of UV raysSPF 30 blocks up to 97% of UV raysSPF 50 blocks up to 98% of UV rays Opting for a lip sunscreen with an SPF higher than 50...
Sunscreens are 75% bad?

Sunscreens are 75% bad?

According to EWG or Environmental Working Group’s latest report, that 75% of our sunscreens in our general stores, currently offer inferior protection or contain some worrisome ingredients.” ! We have a serious problem with our sunscreens, the ones we buy...
Who Invented Sunscreen?

Who Invented Sunscreen?

In 1930s and 1940s, different people started to formulate, the first sunscreen products. In the 30s an Australian chemist, H.A. Milton Blake, started experimented in his kitchen. He created the first sunburn prevention cream and named it, Hamilton Sun and Skin, which...
Sunscreen at Local Parks

Sunscreen at Local Parks

I was sitting at the park, with my daughter. She loves going in the winter, when the weather is perfect, with half the neighborhood kids. I thought it was crazy that, with so many little ones running around, that maybe a couple were wearing sunscreen. After I had come...

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