I should’a been more cautious
I should’a wore sun screen
I should’a wore hats
I should’a never used tanning beds
I should’a never laid out in the sun
I should’a always gotten a skin check
I could’a had less scars
I could’a had less pain
I could’a never been in surgery
I could’a avoided medication.
I would’a saved myself so much pain.
I would’a had less to worry about.
I would’a had less tears shed.
I would’a been a different me.
I would’a been able to finish college
I would’a been in less debt.
I would’a saved my body
I should’a..could’a…would’a, BUT I DID’NT!
If I only knew, what I know today!
I should’ve known more about my skin.
I could’ve maybe prevented this
I would’ve been without this life long battle…maybe?!
Don’t be me, start making changes and get a skin check!