well its that time again! I love going and can’t stand going to the Dermatologist.
1. you’re nerves are uncontrollable
2. the fear of melanoma returning
those two reasons right there, are more than enough to be afraid of going, each year, each check, each scar, will reside in fear of the cancer returning. its something I can’t control and I will always remain with the anxiety of the outcome.
why I like going to the Dermatologist:
- love my Dermatologist, he’s amazing and is fighting with me, agrees with my decisions and listens to my fears.
- I don’t mind having scars, I have so many already, so what’s another going to do- nothing.
- I feel I am somewhat in control of the situation, when removing a spot.
- I would rather remove a suspicious spot, then let it grow to a potential issue
DON’T LET THE FEAR CONTROL YOU. Take a breathe and allow your mind to be clear before you go. Skin checks are there to help save your life. They truly are the best way to have some control on a very chaotic situation.
Last skin check for me was Feburary 2019. Given the pandemic, it made it rather difficult to go in 2020. I was very very very diligent with my home skin checks, which gave me some piece of mind through it all. What I ike to do, is go over my skin while in the shower and when I get out. No better time! I also have Alexa, set up with monthly reminders to walk me through each step, so I don’t miss anything. I have done so many at this point, I don’t really need her assistance but its a great guide and I never miss a thing! all you have to do, is say “Alexa start skin check”. Super easy and no excuses my you didn’t do a self skin check.
The outcome of 2019 skin check:
-4 spots: 2 inner thigh, 1 on my back & neck. The 4 spots were NOT melanoma or skin cancers, here’s the results: Neck: benign Thigh: benign back: dysplasIa or an abnormal growth of cells. Scars, yes but so worth it. its 4 areas that CAN NOT develop skin cancer, on my body.
The outcome for 2021 skin check:
-3 shaved biopsies: 1 chest (my concern) 1 pelvic area (my concern) & 1 behind knee cap (his concern & the deepest one).Results: haven’t heard any news yet. I had two other spots of concern, but he felt that they were nothing to worry about and we would watch them for any change. He listened to my concerns and we discussed the issues of the spots and he throughly explained why they are okay. I always ask a ton of questions when we are talking about any areas of concern.
For now, Im enjoying the holiday season, Christmas baking, movies and the time with my family.The outcome, will be what it will be and I can manage it whatever it is. Cancer will never control my life again, I have a strong family and melanoma support system. Solid friendships and a life worth fighting for. SO DO YOU. you are strong and capable of getting through these, every 3 months or 6 months…I PROMISE YOU.
1.write down any questions you may have
2. take photos of ANY spots that are concerning you, monthly, until your appt. there are several apps you can use to help you, if needed. I do not use them.
3. don’t allow fear to control your appt
4. listen to your Dermatologist, but also speak up for yourself, when you feel its necessary to have them hear you.
5. always be your own advocate
6. do not have fake tanner on, while your going to these apt, so its easiest to see your skin.
7. have all nail polish off your hands and toes, to see clearly on your nails.
8. do not wear makeup, I feel its best for them to see without foundation ect
9. make sure you are clear on wound care and any possible outcomes or infection care.
10. breathe…YOU GOT THIS! its going to be okay, no matter what!
Q: “when do I ask my Dermatologist about a spot, Im concerned about?”
A: if the spot fits in the ABCDE guidelines or the Ugly Duckling rule. Change in color, shape or size. Skin toned and multiply tones, count. This is where photos will help you determine, change. Don’t hesitate, you call and make an appt. If your concerned about an area, call and make an appt. Don’t hesitate. If you’re not pleased with the result and feel a second opinion is needed, advocate for yourself and make an appt. If you can’t get an appt with a Dermatologist, knowing of your history with skin cancer, find one who is available.
Q: what is mole mapping?
A: photograph your body and your moles. High resolution tech that is painless and non invasive. The photos are stored and kept there to compare, at your next visit. You can also request a copy for your own peace of mind. The smallest change will be an easy find, with the already stored photos. if your covered with numerous moles, this is a great option for you. If you have a history with skin cancer, a big yesss for you, a good idea to speak with your Dermatologist about. If you have dysplastic nevus moles as well, great plan to ask. its a huge comfort, knowing you have each spot being monitored closely, why not. It can be covered by some ins companies. I have been told it runs from $100 to $150.
NO MATTER WHAT, ALWAYS KEEP UP ON YOUR SKIN EXAMS. They are a way to detect melanoma and other types of skin cancers. If caught early, it can save your life.
chest spot removed knee spot removed pelvic spot removed 3 biopsies 2021 exam ABCDE Rule